Nov 25, 2010

Stories that shouldn't be told but are, by us : Snow White

I seem to have a hard time with rulers. That's what Photoshop was for. Tear.
Anyway. The second one in our messed up series. This time, Snow White! Which I incidentally watched today on ABC. Snap.
When I think of Snow White I picture her as the most perfect and flawless of the princesses. She had no care in the world, and she happily cleaned and cooked and anything she set her mind to. I think that she was a frightening force to reckon with. I imagine that she would've taken on ANY hobby she could think of and MASTER it. Including sewing and knitting clothes for all of the Dwarfs. Those poor, poor Dwarfs.

Stories that shouldn't be told but are, by us : Cinderella

During one of our many late night deliriums of "what can we procrastinate with now?" schemes we decided that we'd try to do come comics of our own versions of classic fairy tales. We listed a few we could think of off the top of our heads on some scrap strips of paper and then we drew one at a time from a box. I keep getting princess's so far...and Sofi keeps getting male/prince one's. This is my first one. Cinderella in case you couldn't tell. I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that Cinderella's sisters probably hated her for a reason. Hogging all their make up and fancy dresses without asking, and all those damn annoying singing animals all over the place trying to be your friends or dressing you at the crack of dawn. That just sounds horrible to me.
I'm not very good at condensing ideas into one panel, so I hope this little project will help me get better at it. That and color blocking. God my color blocking is horrid. Shudder.
One of our friends also wants to do some comics for this as well. She drew Puss in Boots and I very much am looking forward to it. Her blog: Alexandra Clotfelter. Go on. Stalk her. She's my friend and I stalk her ALL THE TIME.

Some R&R time with MURDER

At the end of the Quarter, when we no longer had homework, we sat and contemplated what we should do with ourselves now that we could do whatever we wanted without worry. It took us only 5 minutes to decide what we should do. Some Murder Mystery Knit/Crochet time. We like to enjoy the simpler things in life.
That being said...I've been very negligent with these comics and now that I'm want to do them and post them, my computer died. And the only computers I have access to now, while having glorious Internet, have no form of any program where you can competently edit images so their quality is not the best...
My soul hurts.